A World Without Emotions

 “One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head too.”  

― Friedrich Nietzsche  


For several years, I have been a true believer in the terms above.  

Much of the time, I tried not to get swept away by feelings. I felt that having feelings to make choices for you will lead you to uncomfortable places and away from true, rational solutions.  

I pictured a world of no emotions. I always longed for a world without emotions. No joy, no sorrow, no irritation, no surprise, no hate, no passion. Oh, nothing.  

But a few days ago, when I had a dream that one of my cousins was gone, I was compelled to think about emotions.  

The dream has no clear starting point. It begins with my cousin's passing, with me crying in sorrow.  

To no point, I see myself weeping.  

While I sit around the dead body of my brother, I feel terrified and lonely. 


Confused on how to tell my family about death, I spent a week hiding it from them before I tried to confess.  

I was nervous about how the news would be handled.  

My sister is the first person I go to. They are around the same age—my cousin and my sister. So, telling her about it first, somehow, made sense. 


Crying and shaky, when I go and tell her that our brother is no more, she looks up from her phone, nods a little and, goes back to everything she's been doing. Displaying no sentiment.  

Surprised and puzzled, I go to the kitchen, where the cousin's parents are preparing food for the family.  

I tell them about death too.  

They stare at me blankly for a few seconds and then inform me that the food was ready, and before eating, I should go wash my hands.  

This startled and terrified me. I couldn't comprehend how they were so emotionless and untouched.  

I tried to make them feel sad and guilty for the loss, but there was no feeling I could see in them.  

After this, I wake up thinking about how weird a dream it was and that it will quickly leave my mind.  

Yet it hasn't. I can’t stop wondering how a world would be without emotions.  

We wouldn’t be happy about our achievements and all the good news. We won’t be sad about our losses and all the bad news.   

We won’t be angry when something we desire doesn’t happen. We wouldn’t be excited when something we have waited for a long time is going to happen. 

We wouldn’t be afraid of anything scary. We wouldn’t be disgusted by anything weird.  

Oh. We would feel nothing.   

I thought I would like a world like that. I thought I wanted a world like that. A world where everything would be based on logic and statistics. Emotions wouldn’t be there to mess things up.  

But the more I think about it, the more I realize that I do not want to give up feeling happy after seeing a bowl of noodles and I do not want to give up feeling sad when I see Hazel Grace Lancaster having to live without Augustus Waters.  

Without emotions, we would be a world of robots. Although I am not against robots, I do not want to be one and I certainly do not want to live among them forever.    

No matter how chaotic emotions make our life, without them, we wouldn’t be the same and not better.   

The empathy we show to people, the anger, the happiness, the disgust, the fear, the embarrassment, the excitement, the pride. All these feelings make us who we are: Humans. Emotions are to be grateful for. 


  1. That relief after a weirdest dream is just something else .." thank god sapna tha ye" 🤦🏻‍♀️...

    Not just humans we see emotions even in animals , the loyalty , care , to protect and what not ...... So it's well said a world without emotions is just a machine .

    Great job mitvi 👍🏻😊

    1. I think we all can relate to "Thank God ye sapna tha"😅

  2. Without them...we wouldn't be the same and not better ....that line is dope🤘🤘

  3. Very well Written👌😍 Keep writing such blogs and putting your thoughs into words👍..And Thank God it was a Dream, Our Brother is very Dear to us❤️ and It would be a Great Loss if this had been Reality😏

  4. This is exactly why in today's era we need to value emotion as much as we value logic (even more sometims). It would be like living under a curse if the world turns emotionless. Mankind would be the most hopeless it has ever been.
    It's a really good potrait of your emotions Mitvi. Keep going.

    1. 'It would be like living under a curse if the world turns emotionless.' Accurately said💯

  5. It was really heart touching and inspirational blog Mitvi. Keep doing the great work you've started . Warm wishes and good luck to your this journey

  6. Woah! Overwhelming! Wonderful Mitvi!
    Waiting for more to come.
    Keep writing!💝

  7. It's the FAULT IN OUR STARS reference for me :') . This is just what I needed to read. Your thought process is highly appreciable, and I'm already a fan.
    xoxo (。♡‿♡。)

  8. Emotions are crucial to our lives.And we are wholly and solely inbind with it. Emotions makes humans lifes worth living it. So having emotions are our strong point, as there are many who are living in a world of emptiness.

    1. 'There are many who are living in a world of emptiness'. I believe that is a very sad thing to say. So many of us just do not know what to do with emotions.

  9. Indeed a world without emotions would be horrifying. Through emotions we feel more connected to eachother and it is a great blessing that I'm thankful for. Whether it be sadness or happiness it makes me realise I'm a human and I'm alive.

  10. Replies
    1. Okay, I was just trying if this worked as my comment disappeared 3 times lol.

      So here it is:

      I personally think that this is a well thought out blog. The ideas are great. It is also good to see how you change from someone who does not believe in emotions to understanding their importance for yourself. I would agree with you that emotions make sure that we are not misread as robots. However, to look from other side I have meet some great people who have almost no emotions and are in love with their great work. It is funny when one such person got a cut on their hand and they mention to me that “this is the proof I am human!”

      This life is to know ourselves as much as we can, and finding ourself. This experience certainly did this for you. Now you do know what you prefer and what not. We live in a society where certain emotions are hard to express. However, once you do express them and experience the joy without being concerned of how people will judge you, brings you closer to living a true life ( in someways this is close to impossible). Additionally, when one is low, and tries to find a support system similar to what you were trying to find in your dream is also important. Not being scared to find help.

      Sorry I went on rambling. I found out about this blog from your sister Isha’s IG story.

    2. Okay. First of all, thank you for your appreciation. It means a lot.♥

      Secondly, about the people you have met who have almost no emotions. I don't believe that to be true. Humans have emotions. All of them have emotions and that too, a lot of them. The difference is about how much they express or how they look at emotions. Some look at emotions as a way to communicate. They are always emotional and expressive. Some do not express at all. Doesn't mean they don't have any. They just do not know how much to keep in their head and how much to let go. There are few who finds the sweet balance between the two. And all of us need to do that too. For a long time, I have thought that I am emotionless and do not know how to care for someone but that was just me ,always trying to be practical rather than emotional. Even after appreciating emotions, I don't think I will ever be able to put away my practical side. Nor do I want to. I guess the people who you have met were similar.

      About life being a journey to find ourselves and expressing without fear of judgements being a way to get closer to living a true life, I will give that to you. I totally agree.💯

  11. We live in a society where certain emotions are hard to express.

    However, once you do express them and experience the joy without being concerned of how people will judge you, It brings you closer to living a true life ( in someways this is close to impossible). 🙂

  12. Baby thank you for bringing this topic on the table it is so beautifully put together and makes me introspect. We've been gifted this beautiful color palette so why not admire every colour the blues the greys the yellows. And yes as a reader I demand more blogs in future.

    1. You have said it beautifully. We certainly need to admire every colour.💯♥
      Yes, will be writing more in the future 🤗

  13. That was some serious stuff absolutely loved it was a roller coaster of emotions I hope you continue to refresh our minds by writing stuffs like this everytime, thankyou my friend

    1. Highly appreciate your compliment. Thank you so much 😊

  14. Just passed through your article.so do you think emotions are intrinsic to human consicous/ character , if thats so why do some take longer time to rediscover it then others, and why dont you think emotions and intellect can be good friends?


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